Thursday, April 2, 2009

Happy Birthday, Elyse Hooten. 4 years old!

I can't believe I have a grand daughter Elyse who just turned 4 yesterday. Elyse is a beautiful girl. I love having her around. Elyse moved with her Mommy, Daddy and her sister, Madyson last December to San Angelo, Texas. My daugther Amber, and her husband Clay lived about 20 minutes from our home. It was pretty hard on me when they moved. I am close to my daughter and I love to hang out with her. It was so nice to have my grand children Elyse (4) and Madyson (just turning 2 in few weeks) right around the corner. I loved going to there community pool and swim with them. I loved going to the park and reading stories with them. Grandpa really misses them too. We are a close family. Families mean more to us than anything. The good news is that the Hooten family is only 5 hours away. Brad and I can still get to them pretty easy. In fact we are going to San Angelo Friday night so we can surprise Elsye for her birthday party on Saturday. I am so excited.

1 comment:

  1. You figured it out. Who helped you? I am sorry that I couldn't I really didn't have time right then. If my computer had been on it would have been easier. I like it though!
