Wednesday, April 15, 2009

All is Well

The last 4 days have been very hard. I am amazed at how Heavenly Father and my brother Jesus Christ never leave my side. I feel them so close through all the trials that my husband Brad and I are facing. I feel so happy and thankful that I have the gospel in my life. I have a strong belief in my religion. I know that the church of Jesus Christ of latter Day Saints has the complete truth. I know that we have a Profit on earth today. Heavenly Father loves us as much as he loved his children at the time of Moses and even when Adam and Eve were alive. He would not leave us all alone in these last days when the world is like it is. We have a Profit of God who acts in behalf of our Savor Jesus Christ and he guides us in these last days.

Brad had minor surgery yesterday. His doctor thought he might have an artery clogged. Since Brad's Dad had an heart attack in his 50's the Doctor said it was better to do a Cardiac catheterization. Brad had a priesthood blessing after church on Sunday Our home teacher gave him a beautiful blessing. His surgery went really well. After the surgery, the Doctor told me that is was a very small blockage that they could treat with medicine. They didn't have to put any stents in. I was so relieved and felt very happy. Brad came home the same day and was up and about. No one can keep him down. Not even his wife. He is doing good today also. He can't exercise for 3 days. He went into work today but his boss sent him home to rest. It's takes his boss to get him to rest. I don't get it. LOL

I am very thankful for priesthood blessings. I truly believe that the Lord can heal and bring comfort. I have felt peace throughout this procedure. Brad had a calmness also. I love Brad very much. He is an amazing man. I want a lot more time to spend with him.

There are more trials I would love to share. My goal is to share them. I just don't know where to begin.

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